Wednesday, January 16, 2008

middle of another week

I'm tired. Today is my day off from classes, but I just got hired to work with a student in 4th semester (aka last semester) of Social Service Worker. So today I didn't have my regular computer classes, instead I learned about "Family Intervention" which was defining the different types of abuse, "Placement 4" which is a prep class for their last field placement, and "Abnormal Psychology" which is taught by a very abnormal professor. My head is swimming with information. It was good though, and very insightful!

Today was also our kick-off for the Mohawk Christian Fellowship which was pretty awesome! Our college intern from church came and he'll be spending the rest of the semester with us, which will in time be a huge load off my plate. Today I did a short devo on "First Fruits-What are we REALLY supposed to do with our time, energy, and (*gasp*) money?" I thought it went pretty good, and after a few hurdles, people started discussing. There's not much that is more discouraging than leading a group and having noone respond, either positive or negative, to what you've said. It all worked out for good though, and some really good discussion was generated about what we value, how we spend our time, what we need to value and how we might go about changing some of our priorities to reflect the importance of placing God first in our lives.

Also today was our first Life Together since we ended for Christmas break. It was good to get back together, and with a potluck no less! We ate a lot, talked a lot, laughed even more, and definitely didn't do a bible study. It was really good to just get caught up on people's lives and while we did have some good talks, there was nothing official about tonight, just hanging out with good friends.

This last weekend I had Debbie stay with me from Friday-Sunday, which was tons of fun! Friday night I stayed up until she got home which was about 12:30 am. I had resolved to go to bed immediately, but God opened some doors for us to talk about what's going on in her life and we had some really good dialogue. I'm glad I was receptive to the Holy Spirit and was willing to stay up, despite my body saying "noooooo, go to bed". So we slept in on Saturday. Until 10am! That's huge for me! She had a hike with the youth on Saturday, and so I went out with the aforementioned college intern, Dave, to discuss the Mohawk Christian Fellowship and what his role might be in the group. Sunday brought church, lunch at my house for many strays and church again in the evening.

Sunday night was ka-razy! Our administrative assistant was on holidays and so I was filling in for her, doing our 'info hub' and other administrative duties she typically does on a Sunday. This Sunday was totally different than normal though! We were selling a guest speaker's (our pastor's best friend) book, "How to be a God Magnet"-Harvey Katz, plus our regular info booth stuff (which is basically a bunch of flyers/brochures and being available to answer questions)...AND! I held the fort at the Allen Froese table. Allen has a band, and their band will be leading worship for a few Sundays over the next couple months at the Alternative, and so after the service I was selling his CD's and t-shirts, plus offering info on World Vision if anyone asked (sadly, no one did). So was busy. Then there was the deposit that I had to do from the offering. And of course, we ended off the night at Montana's with a group of friends and I got home really late with about 50 eggs.

Eggs. Emily, who is Charles' sister, has been living with her parents for the last month and a half helping around the farm and while she was home she decided to buy chickens. Chickens lay eggs, lots of them. Eggs are good for baking. I bake, a lot. So I got a lot of eggs. I guess I should get started on that baking, eh? (I know my parents are going to ask for a package of goodies now!) :)

Finally, I have homework to do tonight for my 8am class...and it's nearly 11pm and I would've liked to be in bed by now. So why am I blogging? Because I'm good at procrastinating. I'll just go get changed into my pj's and then I'll do the homework. See? Good at putting things off.

Love you!


  1. ...OK... goodies now?!?
    aha I found the cookies you baked when you were last here (yer mother hides them in an assortment of those stupid cookie tins she likes to keep buying) and I finished 'em off... need more...can't wait...hungry...

  2. Ah, your dad beat me to it. Goodies? Yes, we'll take some :) Pleaaaaase! Procrastination is one of my "strengths", I'm really good at it. Grossmami said I got it from my dad.
    What are you bsking? Those merengues (how is it spelled?) were heavenly! Mmmmhhhhmmm!!!!

  3. bsking? supposed to be 'baking', I think I need some sleep. Yawwwwwwn!
