Wednesday, September 13, 2006

more views on college life, second time around

So this morning in class one of my classmates said about Simon Cowell (we were discussing whether he was a professional or not), and I quote: “well, like he’s helping people, right, cuz they might think they have the most wickedest voice, but they suck”. We all laughed so hard, I think she may have thought we were laughing because we agreed, but I at least was laughing at the way she said it…I’m really thankful that there aren’t too many ditzes in my program, because that was one of my huge fears. I mean, seriously! Another time she said something and completely left out a word of her 3 word sentence so it came out like “are you?” as opposed to “how are you?”, when the teacher corrected her, she just repeated, “are you?”, thinking she was right. Now, I know I’m not supposed to judge, but can I at least laugh? Please?? So yeah, that was entertaining.
And now, my second instalment of how I view college:

1) does anybody have normal hair anymore??
2) I overheard 3 guys talking, apparently 23 is old (dang!)
3) I’m really happy with not being fashionable, today’s fashion is just too ugly for me
4) I’m probably a suck-up, and I’m okay with that
5) you can always tell who the new students are, they’re all wearing “Mohawk” hoodies
6) what the heck is Hollister and why does every other person have a shirt saying it?! (they wear those shirts on the days they’re not wearing their Mohawk hoodies)
7) seriously people, oversized clothes are stupid…you just look like you used to be really big and lost a lot of weight and haven’t had time to buy new clothes
8) PLEASE!!! trn off your ruddy cell phones, or at least change the ringtone

I realize that this whole entry may sound overly sarcastic for me, that’s possibly true-probably due to a lack of sleep and having very sarcastic friends. It’s been entertaining these first couple weeks of school, to say the least.

In other news, I’m feeling less sick and I only have 2 long shifts (6.5) left and then one itty bitty (4.5) on Saturday. Also, I’m hanging out with Matt on Friday, babysitting the Young’s after that and maybe seeing Laura?? I’ve been keeping up on my homework, although it’s a real challenge because I definitely need a PC and none of the software I’ve had to buy so far is compatible with my computer. Good thing there’s a computer lab with about 150 computers that I can use, otherwise I’d be in real trouble. It’s just frustrating, because I’m buying software that I won’t be able to use…my next computer purchase is definitely a PC (sorry Papi). I’m going to do some more homework now, talk to you all later.

Love Niki


  1. Ok um you are fully allowed to laugh at those types of people...I'd even point it was a perticularly stupid comment. It's not cool to have normal hair these and interesting is the new cool. 23 is old but your still allowed to dick around a little...only just a little. Hollister is a brand of clothing that is a subsidiary of Abercrombie & Fitch...which is a really expensive and popular brand in the States. AND! Sarcasm is never bad...for me in fact it's a way of life!

  2. sometimes here i wonder if some people really believe that the whole purpose of university is to attend a daily fashion show, and more accurately - to BE the daily fashion show.
