Thursday, September 14, 2006

just a quick note

I'm running out the door to work, but I just wanted to quickly say *hi* and thanks for your prayers, I'm feeling MUCH better! School is still going well-no homework tonight, woo-hoo!! I'll have enough to keep me busy this weekend, but I decided I was going to take tonight off (of homework anyway). So in Keyboarding I'm on lesson 10 already and we're not due to be finished lesson 7 until next week...yay for being ahead of schedule! The plan is to breeze through the drills and then I'll have that out of the way. I'll still have to attend classes to do in class assignments, but the drills are the bulk of the work. And now I'm off to work, I'll be done at 1130, so no MSN tonight. Hope everyone's doing well-sorry for the lack of communication (face to face or msn) with you guys...things will die about 2 years. ;)

Love ya!

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