Wednesday, April 12, 2006

eww...stink like garlic!

Pretty decent day today. Got up, returned Narnia (after watching it yesterday with Dave B who came over for the afternoon, fun times!), went to Chiro, went to the Leakers and worked on the puzzle a little, went to work, came home and hung out with Laura until now. Day started out kind of 'eh', I was in a less than cheerful mood, already starting from last night, but I forced myself to do things instead of moping around, and I think just moving around made a big difference in my attitude. At the chiropractor today my doctor says I'm doing way better, so here's hoping that tomorrow will be the same and then I can slowly reduce my appointments and stop spending so much on bills. After my appointment I had time to kill before work, so Mrs Leaker and I went back to the house and we worked on the Where's Waldo puzzle that Kyle and I started about a month or so ago. We're almost half way done!! :) It's suprisingly a really hard puzzle, the pieces are all weird and well, it's hundreds of little Waldo's...I still haven't found 'the Waldo'. Oh well, that was fun. Then I went to work and at seven I caught the bus to come home and Laura was on it! :) We had planned for her to come over tonight to do some scrapbooking, so that was nice that she met me on the bus...also better for her than having to wait outside until I was done work. So we each got some accomplished on our books and Josh just came and picked her up. It was a pretty quiet night, we ate Subway then had the tv on and both concentrated on our own projects. I haven't been in much of a social mood lately. Thing is, I know that I need to keep at it, otherwise I might slip into seclusion and it'll be a lot harder for me to come out.
Today I also made up a list of goals, things I want to focus on doing each day-from prayer, to exercise and most everything in between. Up to a list of ten that is.
I won't be going to the Leaker's easter dinner on Friday, it's still too awkward between Kyle & I, praying that time will heal that. So I'll be working, then on Sunday we'll see what I end up doing. Planning to hang out with Dave, seeing as neither of us have families nearby...anyone else care to join?
It's bedtime now, goodnight!
Love Niki


  1. :( we'll be thinking of you :) wishing you a nice Easter despite not being with your family, it'll be a small family dinner for us. Nana, Poppa, your dad and me; Mischo and Kandy are going to her parents, Jim & Dianne, Hazel& Peter are doing something else. It was nice to get an e-mail from Dani; did you get the parcel yet? XOXOXO

  2. I'd love to join you for easter but alas i'm on the west coast of this crazy country so hope you have a good one i have sunday off so hopefully me and brandon will hangout
