Tuesday, April 11, 2006

going to college!

Great news! I've been accepted to Mohawk College for the fall semester!! I phoned today to accept the offer of admission, but the only thing is, I need to complete something online...but the website isn't compatible with Macs for whatever reason. So, here's hoping I can use someone's PC soon and then I'll be all done and just waiting for that wonderful letter outlining all the costs. woohoo. And then it's back to college. You know it'll be five years since I was last in college (with the exception of that one DL class January 04) by the time I go back? WEIRD! Five years! Good thing I haven't matured TOO much, although I'm sure I'll still find it a major adjustment going back to school...mostly because I'm sure a lot of the students will be just out of high school and still think that drinking and partying and coming to class hungover is cool. How fun. But still, nothing like if I where in my forties, so I'm just going to enjoy myself! :)
Dave came over today and we rented Narnia and wow that movie is just awesome. I watched it in theatres in December and I think that might be one movie I want to buy. (In addition to the 15 DVD's-yes I just counted them-sitting on my shelf). Very good movie, but man is renting expensive! 5.98 for a movie for 2 days, seriously! I could rent three (not new releases though) for 4 days for less than that at the video store further up the street-just a little too far to walk, unfortunately. Meh. Great movie, and if you haven't seen it, I suggest you go rent it-NOW! :)
I've been inviting people at work to come to Easter sunday service, which has been really out of my comfort zone, but pretty exciting. When I came home from work there was an e-mail from my pastor asking if I'd read Scripture on Sunday, eep! Just after I invited a whole bunch of people...yes, a God thing, but still a very nervewracking thing. I think there's 5 verses in total? I don't have to have them quite memorized, but if my eyes weren't entirely focused on the page that might be a good thing.
So now I'm going to take it easy, I'm not feeling very well. :( My head hurts and my glands feel very sore and tender to touch. I really hope I'm not getting sick, can't afford it!

Love Niki


  1. This is getting ridiculous. I can't believe Mohawk has their own university. What's next, Esso University? Shell College? Petro-Canada University College? Seriously, it's out of hand how much power the gas companies have. Well, good luck, and don't get brainwashed by their oily propaganda!

  2. Congrats on all of it! You'll do just fine on sunday, trust God to be with you. Happy Easter!
