Tuesday, August 08, 2006


This should be a regular Sunday or Monday feature...but it's Tuesday today and since it's my blog, that's okay!! Here's my work schedule for Aug 7-12 if anyone wants to know:

Mon: Sobeys 530-10pm
Tues: Sobeys 1-530pm
Wed: Sobeys 12-730pm
Thur: Subway 830-5; Sobeys 630-11
Fri: Subway 830-630
Sat: Subway 9-630

So yesterday was my first shift on customer service and it went REALLY well. Except for the one phone call, that is. So yeah, I'm doing wonderfully well and then all of a sudden I have customers surrounding the desk (couple at lottery, one at cash, another couple behind the desk asking something), and then the phone rings. Normally I can answer the phone really well and even get our ridiculously long greeting out without trouble (except that one day I almost said Subway instead of Sobeys)...anyway, so I pick up the phone, my mind goes blank and I stutter and finally manage "Good evening, Sobeys, ready to serve, Niki speaking, how can I help you?" (BREATHE...a lot for one breath), when a unimpressed male voice comes over the line and says, "Hello Niki, It's Marty..." (pause). SHOOT. It's the store manager. The one time I'm alone and everything goes crazy. Ah well, I think I smoothed it over and patched him through correctly. Not like the time I hung up on him months ago.

Good times. Now I'm off for my second customer service shift today!! I hope I get regular customer service shifts, because I sure prefer it to cash. That said, I'm going to have a miserable shift. Hope not. I'm sure it'll still be great. Then it's off to Wendy's for her bday dinner tonight! :)

Love Niki

1 comment:

  1. Whoo, sounds like you're keeping busy. Next time your mind blanks, you should just give a fake name and say that whoever is calling has the wrong number and then hang up quickly. I'm sure it would work....
