Thursday, October 27, 2005

i live in Hamilton

Okay, so due to popular demand (courtesy of my mom...) I'm back online with this blog. Not too much new to report, I worked the last two days at Blessings (setting up for a big sale) in Burlington with my new roommate. If all goes according to plan I'll move in with L.A. and Maeghan on Saturday. Then I work again Saturday night doing tear down, yes for grunt work!
I'm back at the LeaKer's tonight and hopefully I'll get an amazingly good sleep. Weird to think that if I were still going to Europe I'd be in Montreal sleeping on a freighter. Bizarre. But you know what? I'm totally at peace with staying here and I'm excited for what will happen.
Tomorrow night we have Bible study here at Matt's, but before I can enjoy that I have a day full of job hunting to do. Although I've worked at Blessings for a few days, I don't know that I'll necessarily get a job there-so I'm going to hand in my resume at a bunch of places. Pray that that goes well.
I'm thankful that everyone is being so supportive of my decision to move here. I know it seems crazy, I can't tell you the number of people that have shouted in astonishment or just gaped with their jaws dropped to the floor when I told them I moved here, not only from Vancouver (which is crazy enough), but instead of going to Europe. It's funny. Even here in Hamilton though, everyone is being SO kind and doing whatever they can to help, a place to sleep, job leads, being great friends-man, I LOOOVE this place. Yeah, I'm crazy. I admit it.

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