Sunday, July 25, 2010


This week I will be house-sitting for my former landlords and while I'm there, I won't have the same immediate access to the internet that I do here at home. This is good. I find it so hard to take time to actually rest because I'm always online, mostly checking facebook and not doing anything productive. I tend to think that if I'm just browsing the internet, I'm resting, but I think the opposite is true. I'm looking forward to sitting in the backyard with a book, curling up with the cat (even though I'm not much of a cat fan) and going for walks in my old neighbourhood.

It should be a good week.

Perhaps I should live out of other people's homes, it sure would help me cut back on my belongings and would teach me something about rest and taking in the little pleasures. That said, I really love my landlords and the place I've made home here.

Life is hectic. This week is just what I need. (kind of sad, considering I was on vacation a couple weeks ago...maybe I need a perma-vacation from the internet? or facebook? again.)

In other news, I'm working to buy a car since I passed my road test on Friday and I can legally drive by myself now!!! This is extremely exciting news for me, as I could have had my licence 10 years ago, it'll be great to have this freedom!

Off to finish packing for my week of almost zero-internet (still have access at work...)


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