Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I was walking home from work and I saw a family of 4 deer!!! It was neat cuz I kept thinking "it'd be awesome to see one" and then I was singing "As the Deer...", as my means of calling them out, lol...particularly funny b/c the song goes on to say 'panteth for the water' and there's definitely no water, and it was really just plain silly. Anyways, shortly after I saw the deer. It's amazing. I just feel bad because they're probably all really confused, this area used to all be country farmland and now it's sprung up and so much development has happened. But I was happy to see them, and that's all I have to say. Mostly because it's 12:30 in the morning and I have to be up in 6 hours to leave for work again. Ick. I SAW DEER!!! :) :) :)


  1. hahaha! You crack me up! Deer are cool. :)

  2. Shanon has a mama deer with 2 babies in her back meadow!! It is nice to see them. I love that song!XOXOXO
